
In conclusion there are many arguments advocating free privacy on the internet, yet are being brought down by proposed bills by the government that look to limit privacy and control information flow. To summarize, bills limiting internet privacy are negative decisions that aim at limiting the types of information as well as privacy through tracking which can lead to manipulation of displayed webpages such as the amazon DVD case. In addition the proposition of the bills would enable the government to claim any website as copyrighted and take it down. However instead of focusing only on the negatives, I think that we should also focus on the positives that the proposed bills limiting privacy could bring. A very important aspect is that it would help stop illegal activity more often on the internet as well as the deep web. By limiting what people can do and monitor them, they will be more effective in stopping illegal activities from happening in the first place. Yet on the other hand, monitoring people goes against having a personal identity and space.  By considering both sides of the debate I think that I am able to understand the alternative points of views and come to a better consensus to the positives of policing the internet. Yet I still think that the government should not be allowed to have this much power over what is acceptable or what they want to be on the internet verses what they think is not good to be on the internet. We as the public should voice our own opinions against  having websites shut down due to easy copyright claims as suggested by Swartz yet also the public should voice that they are displeased with the tracking that big corporations and the government has been doing to us without our consent. Since the growing population is becoming more and more entwined with the internet, I think that we should have a bigger opinion and group consensus as to what is acceptable on the internet while keeping in mind the positives of policing the internet and arrive at a conclusion that is beneficial for both the government and the public users.

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